
George Lois Packs a Punch


When legendary ad man George Lois speaks, it is no small thing. His performance is a one-man-show offering us a guided tour through the golden age of popular culture. Hailed as the Golden Greek when he first came on the scene, over the years he’s been honored with Lifetime Achievement Awards from the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) and the Society of Publication Designers (SPD), and inducted into the Art Directors Hall of Fame, the One Club Creative Hall of Fame, and been awarded the AIGA Gold Medal. Now that we have the awards out of the way, we can get on with understanding the ethos of George Lois. After all, we all know awards come and go, but nothing compares to the work that sustains a universal and lasting...

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Plato’s Dilemma: It Haunts Us Still

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Introduction to the Social Disorder of Capability

As the indicators of the status of complicated macroscopic systems, statistically valid representative variables are of critical importance for knowing the dynamic conditions of the systems. As a few examples, in natural sciences, we have become very familiar to various physical quantities such as temperature and pressure, which can help us to predict the behavior of a natural system; in economics, we have economic indices to track economic health from different perspectives; in psychology, we have the intelligence quotient to provide a partial evaluation of the intelligent level of individuals.

Despite the convenience of using the well-known variables in academic researches and practical applications, the process of identifying the notions behind those variables could be painstaking and daunting. This article would introduce an abstract notion for the cultural dynamics, which has been greatly ignored by the world in the past.