Articles on PR for People

Teach Civics In Schools or Face More Insurrections

 The slogans of the January 6 insurrections who stormed the Capitol demonstrated much passion. But they had little understanding of how a democratic government works. Nor did they care to find out.

3 Big Housing Decisions You May Face

Housing decisions are never small. Where you choose to live impacts your budget, your job prospects and your social life. And in the future, your home plays a major role in what your retirement might look like (financially and logistically). For these reasons, housing decisions require plenty of careful consideration. Want to be prepared to make the right choice when the time comes? Start here.

How can we help?

There is a certain depersonalization in examining the data around the homeless when we are dealing with a mammoth problem that diminishes the intrinsic dignity and value that is inherent in every human being. Then when we see the homeless up close, we often don’t know what to do. “Oh, it’s tragic,” you might say and you can look away, but many of us are not able to turn away. How can we help? 

April is National Poetry Month!

Check out Dr. Rajni Shankar-Brown’s collection of poetry, Tuluminous! In this visionary and nourishing collection of poetry, grounded cross-cultural experiences, Dr. Shankar-Brown examines the complexities of harrowing justice issues while also narrating the beauty of our shared humanity. Here are some reviews for her book Tuluminous.

​Proceeds will be used to support projects addressing youth homelessness and the arts.  


Homeless in America: The Work of Rajni Shankar-Brown, Ph.D.

Anyone can become homeless. All it takes is one tragic misstep that winds up leading to a bad sequence of events. You don’t become homeless without suffering. The brokenness of the homeless comes in many forms: Broken dreams, broken hearts, broken bodies, broken minds, and broken souls. 

Building Back Better: the U.S. Treasury Department

Barbara Lloyd McMichael’s monthly column examines the history of key government and how they are “Building Back Better” under the Biden Administration. This month she examines the U.S. Treasury Department.

Libraries We Love – A Place to Call Home

Each month, we profile a library: Large, small, urban, rural, post-modern, quaint or neo-classic. This month Patricia Vaccarino writes about the many ways that libraries provide comfort to the homeless.

PR for People® THE CONNECTOR – APRIL 2021

Homeless in America: The Work of Rajni Shankar-Brown, Ph.D. She is making every effort to afford dignity to every human being.

How Can Hate Speech, Conspiracy Theories, etc., be Banned on Social Media?

How Can Hate Speech, Conspiracy Theories, etc., be Banned on Social Media? The legal answer to that question depends on how the courts treat the status of social media providers. The political answer depends on who and what you want to ban? 

Education is Critical Infrastructure

Twenty-five years after that first definition and attempt to identify and manage critical infrastructure, we are at a critical crossroads. It is clear to me that education should have been a defined national critical infrastructure sector from the outset.