Articles on PR for People

Developing a Strong Environment for Entrepreneurial Risk

I’ve worked closely with many startup companies for over 25 years and have observed what factors create a successful climate for startups to succeed.  The creation of a strong environment for startups requires four major components: infrastructure, outstanding educational...

Solo Travel: Wanderlust for One

Imagine: you step off a train in a small French town. The station doesn’t have internet access and you don’t have a place to stay. As the sun begins to set, you’re forced to walk down the cobbled streets, hoping a tattered-looking hotel spotted in the distance will have a bed for you.

For globetrotters like Catherine Sypal, this type of open-ended adventure with no guarantees is the appeal of traveling alone.


Comedy Gladiators Duel to the Death! NYC Jan 10th!!

Kicking off the New Year! Comedy Gladiators Duel to the Death!

On January Tuesday, 10th at the Gotham Comedy Club in New York City, Comedy Gladiators will battle to the death to win the Wali Collins Comedy Trophy!! Wali Collins presides as judge of this deadly battle where there is only one winner at the expense of another comedian’s sure death.


BOOKS: Hygge your way to happiness


PR for People® Reviews:


By Barbara Lloyd McMichael

Hygge your way to happiness

The Cozy Life – Pia Edberg CreateSpace – 148 pp - $11.96

   With high marks for its balance between a strong social support system and tolerance for individual freedom, Denmark ranked first in the United Nation’s World Happiness Report this year.

   What can we...

A Revolutionary Remembrance

Boston Tea Party is feted 243 years later


When it comes to food, Boston may be known as land of the bean and the cod, but a certain beverage also plays a major role in this city’s history.

In December of 1773, Colonial Patriots dressed as Native Americans and, in an act of treasonous protest against the King of England, dumped what they saw as overtaxed tea into Boston Harbor....

Digital Joy


Digital Strategy continues to enter more facets of our lives. As the holiday season is upon us, many of the lights and displays on peoples’ houses and storefronts are now controlled digitally.  An automated Santa sliding down a chimney in the mall, controlled by a server or PC, or even an app on a tablet or a phone, is the new reality. In the past these were unwieldy electronics, requiring an engineer or two on-site, and...

Placebo and Play


      It has been well documented that we can change our biology simply by what we believe to be true. The placebo effect is defined as the measurable, observable or felt improvement in health or behavior not attributed to medication or invasive treatment. This suggests that we can treat various ailments as well as highly disruptive mood swings by using the mind to heal.

    A placebo is a fake treatment, an inactive...

Peace, Love, and Joy Huber: Cancer Patient Squashes Sadness with Travel

No one plans on getting cancer, especially in their 30s, but for Nebraska businesswoman and songwriter Joy Huber, fate had other plans.

After her diagnosis, Huber began treatment and was determined not to let her spirit break, but chemotherapy left her feeling exhausted and sick.

“When you get the diagnosis, you’re terrified,” Huber said. She adds that cancer patients often don’t have the time or energy to find...

Freedom Train


I’m looking for a ride to take me where I need to go. I’m looking for the freedom train. I know it’s there. I’ve seen it before. I’m going to find it again. I’m going to take that ride. I’m going to get where I need to go.

Deep down inside I know the truth about America and so do you. Democracy is fundamentally stewardship in action. Being a good steward means that we take care of things. Money, cars, houses, jobs,...

How To Make Good Ski Photographs

by William Lulow

With the ski season coming up, here are a couple of tips for getting good ski shots.  As I usually take a camera with me whenever I go just about anywhere, and since skiing has been a passion for the last 40 years or so, I love to make skiing images. The best advice I can give for those interested in making good ski shots is to separate the skiing from the photography. If you are going skiing to challenge...