While writing the book, Almost Addicted, Dr. J. Wesley Boyd found patterns of abuse in marijuana users: “The patterns I saw ranged from casual, unproblematic use to individuals who were full on addicted, smoking marijuana all day every day and jeopardizing multiple essential aspects of their lives,” said Dr. Boyd. “Writing Almost Addicted was important because there was and still is a large number of individuals who are using marijuana and other drugs in ways that do not rise to the level of full on addiction but that are beginning to cost them nonetheless. Additionally, many of those who are using drugs in this manner run the risk of becoming fully addicted.”
Dr. Boyd is a researcher, psychiatrist, and faculty member of Harvard Medical School. He supports the legalization of marijuana: “I actually support decriminalization of all drugs, including marijuana. They did so in Portugal in 2001 and rates of addiction and use declined. Legalizing drugs would instantly eliminate a lot of crime. We could tax legalized drugs and use profits to educate the public about the deleterious effects of drug use.” However, he does caution: “Probably the biggest challenge is that so many people deny that marijuana is addictive. I address this issue head on in my Psychology Today post.” The doctor added: “The fact is that even though heavy users might not undergo some of the dramatic withdrawal signs and symptoms that a heroin user or alcoholic might, marijuana is addictive and can—in a small minority of users—wreck lives.”
If you are concerned that a loved one is abusing Marijuana, Dr. Boyd says: “If wanting to use the drug causes essential aspects of one’s life—housing, employment, love relationships—to suffer, then that person might just be addicted and he or she probably needs to effect some changes.”
See www.jwesleyboyd.com to learn more about Jon Wesley Boyd, MD, PhD
Photo: Pictured, Dr. Jon Wesley Boyd, author of Almost Addicted. Photo from Dr. Boyd.
Alison Harris, is a communications professional in Boston and served in Governor Patrick’s administration, held three rising PR positions at Harvard, wrote for the Boston Herald, and worked for Liz Claiborne and Tommy Hilfiger