Voting: New Hampshire Style
Postpone elections or brave the blizzard?
Last month in the Connector we examined the feasibility of voter fraud in New Hampshire that had been alleged by President Trump. Here is our follow-up report.
A mid-March nor'easter put brave New Hampshire citizens at a fork in the road. Postpone elections or brave the blizzard? Dozens of towns went ahead and held town meeting elections in New Hampshire on Tuesday, March 14, 2017.
According to Beth the mail lady, several government officials tried to postpone the town hall meetings, citing public safety reasons, but for most, the show went on. Throngs of New Hampshire citizens turned out despite the wind and white-out conditions to vote on issues ranging from town budgets and road repair to the building of a new town library and the expansion of veterans’ tax credits. In Auburn, New Hampshire, the second most pressing measure on the ballot was weather (Pun intended. We know it’s spelled whether!) the town should implement a mosquito-control program. All of these measures mentioned in this report passed. The polls remained open from 7am to 7pm, while schools, banks and most businesses shut operations. As usual, the IDs of voters were checked at the door by the consortium of town elders and other righteous citizens.
Beth the mail lady said there was no way inclement weather would stop citizens of the live free or die state from voting. “We know how to drive in the snow,” she laughed.