Homelessness has reached alarming rates everywhere in America. I find the magnitude of the problem to be alarming and heart-wrenching. I have deep compassion for the homeless and recognize that any one of us can become homeless. All it takes is one tragic misstep that winds up leading to a bad sequence of events. While anyone can become homeless, people with low incomes are the most at risk of becoming homeless.
For people who have never experienced being homeless, there is a tendency to shy away from examining the roots of the problem. Some people judge the homeless to be weak or lacking in character, as though they are guilty of moral failure. Rash judgments about how the homeless got that way give some people permission to have complete disregard for their humanity. Regardless of what circumstances occurred to make a person homeless, the reasons are in some ways inconsequential. Every person is entitled to dignity and respect.
At least one-third of the homeless do have access to the internet. Most of the homeless population, however, do not have internet access, which is essential when looking for housing, jobs, applying for social service assistance, and accessing medical care.
Below is a link to a guide that includes valuable research information about homelessness. The guide includes
· Downloadable Infographics on Homelessness and the Digital Divide
· Local Resources and Ways the Community Can Help
· State and Federal Support Programs
Homelessness and the Digital Divide